PR Boost by Press Hunt

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Get Your Startup Featured: PR Boost's AI-Powered Journalist Matching

PR Boost connects your startup with a vast network of journalists and influencers, offering AI-driven matching, expertly crafted pitches, and seamless PR campaigns to ensure your story makes headlines. Efficient, cost-effective, and powerful PR at your fingertips.

Semrush rank:3.4m
Location:, Iceland
Tech Used:
Node.js, styled-components ; React, Express,
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  • Extensive PR Database: Access to Press Hunt, a 1M+ contact database of journalists, podcasts, and influencers, perfect for finding the right audience.
  • AI Matching: Advanced AI algorithms create targeted media lists in minutes, matching you with relevant journalists and outlets.
  • Expert PR Campaign Management: Professional PR team crafts, refines, and sends pitches, as well as manage outreach campaigns, saving you time and effort.
  • Budget-Friendly Pricing: Get a full-featured PR campaign starting at $699, avoiding the hefty costs usually associated with traditional PR agencies.
  • No Long-Term Commitment: PR Boost offers a simple month-to-month subscription model, giving you the flexibility to opt-out anytime, unlike traditional PR contracts.
  • Proven Results: With a track record of getting startups featured in top media outlets, PR Boost amplifies your brand presence effectively.

Use Cases:

  • Startups Seeking Exposure: Perfect for emerging businesses aiming to gain media attention and grow their brand awareness rapidly.
  • Time-Conscious Founders: Ideal for entrepreneurs who need to focus on their business rather than spending hours on PR efforts.
  • Cost-Sensitive Campaigns: Suitable for companies with limited PR budgets looking for a professional and impactful media presence.
  • Agility In Media Relations: For businesses that require quick pivoting and targeting new media segments with minimal turnaround time.
  • Global Reach: Great for companies aiming to gain international media coverage and expand their audience beyond local news.

PR Boost by Press Hunt is revolutionizing the way startups engage with media. With its cutting-edge AI technology, expert PR team, and extensive journalist database, it offers an efficient, cost-effective, and hassle-free path to achieving the press coverage every startup dreams of.

featured on aitoolhuntfeatured on aitoolhunt

PR Boost by Press Hunt Alternatives:
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1. PressPulse AI 2023

Streamline PR with AI-driven journalist matching, pitching, and backlink generation. Try free!

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2. Grantboost

AI-driven tool simplifying and expediting grant writing for nonprofits.

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3. EasyPR AI 2023

EasyPR streamlines media relations, pitch writing and secures press coverage.

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4. AI Press Release Generator 2012

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5. ResumeBoostAI 2023

ResumeBoostAI uses AI to enhance resumes, cover letters, and application responses.

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6. Pitchyouridea is an AI-powered platform helping professionals visualize and refine pitches.

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$ 49/mo.
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7. Mentioned 2022

Automates influencer outreach through content scan, contact retrieval, and email campaigns.

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8. BoostMyResume

BoostMyResume uses AI to optimize your resume for better job interview chances.

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9. GetMax 2023

Boost startup SEO and engagement with affordable AI-driven content services.

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